Detailed session overviews are being completed by the instructors. Please check back soon. 

Friday, January 31, 11:15am – 12:15pm | Theatre 411

Mobile Production: Shooting and Creating with an iPhone and other Apple Gadgets

How to create high quality content with your current tools (your iPhone!)

Speaker: Justine Ezarik

In 2020, shooting on the fly doesn’t mean quality has to be sacrificed for brevity of time. The introduction of the iPhone made it possible for everyone to become a filmmaker, editor, producer – this session will teach you how to utilize these devices in a smart way, to help you create the best content possible. From figuring out which camera setting is best for a specific shot to editing audio on Garage Band, Apple has gifted the world with a pocket-sized production company and iJustine herself will show you how to make the most of it.

  • Camera Setting Optimization
  • Editing on the go with Final Cut, iMovie
  • Edit Audio and soundscapes on GarageBand
  • Upload direct to from mobile device
  • The ultimate Selfie guide

Ideal For: Those just beginning and those looking to increase their current content output with their current production resources.

Friday, January 31, 4:15 - 5:15pm | Room: 404 AB

Looking Great on Camera: What Key Makeup Tips For Your Best Look

How to look great on camera in any situation and setting

Speaker: Justine Ezarik + Francesca Giaimo (LA hair + make up professional)

Have you ever spent hours getting glammed up only to look back at your footage and realize you look like Casper? What works for you IRL doesn’t necessarily cross over to the screen.

Justine and her long time makeup artist Francesca share stories and tips on how to look your very best. From picking the best foundation color, combatting sweat under the powerful lights, to discreet touch ups. This is a must for anyone who cares about what they look like in the content they’re putting out.

  • When you “sweat the small stuff”
  • Find your color vs. finding your light
  • Highlighter 101
  • To bronze or not to bronze?
  • How to avoid “Wash Out”

Ideal For: Those who are looking to master the craft of creating the perfect on-camera look.

Saturday, February 1, 10:00 - 10:30am | Theater 411

Creative Intuition: From Development to Execution for Up and Coming Creators

How to navigate and focus through on your content ideas and bring them to life

Speaker: Justine Ezarik + Jenna Ezarik

Do you have that “aha idea!,” but don’t know how to flesh it out? Or, do have a great script and can’t get a team together? Do you have a bunch of raw footage and are at a roadblock during post?

This session breaks down every step of the way and provides the audience with helpful tips to make the process streamlined. If this is your very first attempt at content creating, this is for you. If you’re a seasoned pro, this is for you.

You’ll explore:

  • Concept development
  • Writing a dynamic script
  • Finding the perfect crew (on a budget)
  • Turning a concept into reality
  • Posting strategies

Ideal For: Those with many ideas who are looking for insight on creative focus, development, and execution.

Saturday, February 1, 11:30am - 12:30pm | Theatre 411

The Importance of Collaboration

How to tap into the power of others in your content and audience

Speaker: Justine Ezarik + Rosanna Pansino

Collaboration can be important from both a creative and also audience development POV. But, how do you choose who to work with and how to ensure the collaboration is organic? This session will explore:

  • Who should and who shouldn’t you collaborate with?
  • Mutual beneficial relationships
  • Cross-promotion

Ideal For: Those looking to learn how to work with other creatives and leverage unique audience segments for optimal audience cross pollination.

Saturday, February 1, 3:30 - 4:00pm | Theater 411

Engagement Strategy: Developing your audience, listening to them, and incorporating their feedback

How to concurrently develop, listen and pivot with your audience

Speaker: Justine Ezarik & Dan Markham

So you’ve made your content. You’ve published your content.

How do you curate an audience? First find what interests you and the followers will come. Should you engage with critics?

This session will help you focus on:

  • Posing thought and engaging questions
  • When to respond
  • Listening to your audience
  • Engaging with them
  • Setting boundaries

Justine will show you how to balance your audience feedback without just chasing their opinions.

Ideal For: Those who are launching their content endeavors or are looking to pivot towards a new audience.

Saturday, February 1, 10:45am-11:15am | Room: 408 B

Building Your Team 101: How to Hire and Scale Your Team

You’ve build an audience, are driving real revenue, and realize you cannot do everything on your own. How and when do you scale your business team?

Speaker: Petar Mandich

If you try and do everything, you will get nothing done; which is why it’s so important to hire the right people and scale your team strategically. When looking for management, lawyers, agents, or publicists, it’s important to find people whose vision aligns with yours, as some are more deal driven and some are more strategy driven. This session will explore how to find out what you want, what you need, and how to get it.

This session will help you focus on: 

  • When you are driving enough revenue to bring on a team
  • Who you need first and how you find them
  • The difference between Managers, Agents, Lawyers, Publicists, Business Managers

Ideal For: Those who are developed a healthy audience and are realizing they need help in order to keep their audience, brand, and business growing.

Saturday, February 1, 12:15pm – 12:45pm | Room: 408 B

Diversifying Revenue Streams

How can one drive revenue beyond pre rolls?

Speaker: Petar Mandich

Just as a financial advisor helps their clients never invest all of their capital in one type of asset or stock, it’s important to build any brand and business upon multiple revenue sources. From ad driven revenue, branded content, licensing/merchandising, publishing, to original content/distribution, understanding what each revenue bucket is and how to track towards each one is key to both short term and long term business growth and success.

This session will help you learn how to: 

  • Understand the various revenue streams
  • Realize when it’s time to test the waters with new business endeavors
  • Prioritize and plan for the present, plan, and future

Ideal For: Those who are are already driving healthy revenue, but want to ensure they are set up for short and long term success.

Friday, January 31, 1:45pm – 2:45pm | Room: 406 AB

Essentials of Color: How to Color Correct When You’re Not Sure What to do First

Yes, you should be color correcting everything! And yes, there is a "best" method.

Speaker: Jeff Greenberg

This session will help you learn to approach color and get reliable, consistent results. The techniques taught will work on any editorial tool that has them.
In this vibrant session, you’ll learn

  • What should you be adjusting first?
  • The key principles of luma and chroma
  • Basics of scopes
  • HSL Wheels and curves
  • A recipe for color
  • What about LUTs?
  • Post-class resources

If you’re neglecting color in your work, this is an essential class to take! Loads of Q&A during and after the session.

Ideal For: The creator who feels like they’re fumbling around when it comes to getting their footage to “pop” and look more cinematic.

Friday, January 31, 11:15am – 12:15pm | Room: 409 AB

Avoid the mistakes: Save time, money, and sanity: From planning through output: What mistakes can you learn from others

There is a saying that goes: "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself"

Speaker: Jeff Greenberg

This session will show you the common mistakes creatives make from preproduction thorough upload- to help you avoid them (and make better mistakes yourself!_ If you’re relatively new to production, especially if you’re self-taught, you can totally prevent these mistakes!

What if you could get someone to share professional production experiences in the whole process to save your sanity by helping you avoid the “big mistakes”?

In this session, you’ll see how to:
·      How smart preproduction saves money.
·      The biggest audio and video mistakes you can make on set.
·      How to best organize inside and outside of editorial
·      The one mistake you shouldn’t make when giving copies to a client
·      …and at least five other “I wish someone had told me that” mistakes!

Rarely do you get a chance to hear someone talk about the mistakes that cost money in public. Loads of Q&A during and after the session.

Ideal For: The media creator who has relied on figuring it out themselves.

Friday, January 31, 11:15am – 12:15pm | Room: 404 AB

Lighting Techniques 101: How to Make Yourself Pop by Lighting It Right

Speaker: PhotoJoseph

Get the best lighting possible on any budget.

Lighting is everything. The difference between even a single well-placed light and just shooting with whatever is in the room is one of the biggest things that separate professional from amateur videos. But some of the lighting that looks the simplest can actually be some of the toughest to get right! Whether you want simple and clean or dramatic and moody, great lighting must be created.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to make the most of what’s available
  • DIY lighting tricks
  • One-light techniques
  • Making use of reflectors
  • What color temperature is and how to use it as an effect
  • Various ways to place one, two, and three lights
  • The differences between low-cost and high-end lighting
  • Playing with color (RGB lighting)
  • What modifiers are, and how and when to use them

If you feel like your video lighting could be better, then this class is a must!

Ideal for: the creator who’s struggling to get a lighting setup they love, whether they’re just starting out, or have a room full of lights!

Friday, January 31, 3:00pm – 4:00pm | Room: 409 AB

Building your Home Studio on a Budget: Doing More with Less

Speaker: PhotoJoseph

When you’re building your first home studio, where do you start, and what do you invest in first?

You’ve decided it’s time to up your game and invest in some gear to make your first home studio. Awesome! Whether it’s a dedicated room in your house or just the corner of your living room that has look like you were never there when you’re done shooting, deciding what gear to buy, and what to buy first, can be daunting. While building a big video studio can certainly cost a lot, it’s remarkable what you can do with very little today, and how good it can still be.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Advantages of different types of cameras, from the iPhone to full frame interchangeable lens cameras, and when to upgrade
  • What different types of microphones are for, how and where to use them
  • The basics of lighting, including controlling what’s already there (I’m also teaching Lighting 101, so if you want to know a lot more about lighting, be sure to sign up for that class, too!)
  • How to acoustically treat a room for the best sound
  • Set design and props

If you’re thinking of taking that next step but aren’t sure where to get started, then this course is a must-see.

Ideal for: creators building their first studio and not wanting to waste money on unnecessary or the wrong gear!

Saturday, February 1, 4:15pm – 4:45pm | Room: 408 B

Assessing Channel Performance via YouTube Analytics

Speaker: Kyle Monahan

Want to learn more about YouTube Analytics, but unsure where to start? In this session you’ll learn tips on how to get started along with key strategies such as:

  • How properly diagnose a drop in watch time or viewership
  • The importance of traffic sources and the audiences each represents
  • How viewership is generated, from impressions all the way through to average view duration

While the session will involve 20 minutes of structured presentation, it’s recommended that attendees bring their own questions for Q&A at the session’s close.

Ideal for: YouTube creators eager to uplevel their platform savviness along with those interested in using data to better understand the “why” behind their channel’s performance.

Saturday, February 1, 11:30am – 12:00pm | Room: 408 A

Insta360: Creating Content as Your Own One-Man Camera Crew: Using 360 and Action Cams

Speaker: Michael Shabun

Don’t have the resources to buy multiple cameras, drones, or other filming equipment for your videos? In this session, you’ll learn how to create any kind of content you’d like using just Insta360’s 360-degree cameras and action cameras.

  • Creative possibilities of 360 cameras
  • Shooting and framing with a 360 camera
  • Using Insta360’s ONE Series Cameras
  • Using Insta360 GO, the world’s smallest stabilized wearable camera
Saturday, February 1, 12:15pm – 12:45pm | Room: 408 A

Insta360: Creative Shots Made Easy: Insta360 AI Editing Tools for Vloggers

Speaker: Michael Shabun

In this session, you’ll learn how Insta360’s in-app AI editing tools make creating and editing content easier. For beginners, you’ll learn how you can save time with AI editing tools without having to learn a lot of new technical skills. And for more advanced vloggers, you’ll learn how AI editing tools help you pull off creative and complicated shots without a lot of equipment.

  • How to shoot and edit creative shots like a Dolly Zoom without expensive equipment
  • How the app auto-removes the Invisible Selfie Stick
  • How the app pre-selects your best shots and compiles them into social media-ready edits
Saturday, February 1, 4:15pm - 4:45pm • Room: Theater 411

Advertising 101: “Branded Content beyond your Platforms”

Advertisers and brands are turning online to reach their endemic audiences — but how do you leverage this shift and help forge strategic, organic, brand partnerships via YouTube and social media?

Speaker: Dustin Parker

As brands and advertisers shift their dollars from traditional TV ad spending to digital, branded content online has become a very prolific and successful place for brands to truly engage with audiences, and drive brand and product awareness. In this session, we break down what process of procuring and negotiating branded content offers, while also teaching the nuances, and the “red flags” to look out for early on in discussion and contract phase.

This session will help you learn how to:

  • Develop and refine your pitch to brands
  • Teach you industry analytics / success standards such as KPI’s, ROI, target audience segments, etc.
  • What organic and inorganic partnerships look like

Ideal For: Those with an active and growing online presence who is either looking to start or is beginning to produce branded content.

Saturday, February 1, 2:00 - 2:30pm | Room: 408 B

Brand Deals 201

How to think outside of the “brand box,” take your brand partnerships to a new level, and help an outside brand build your brand

Speaker: Dustin Parker

Branded Partnerships on YouTube / Instagram / Twitter are fantastic, but have you ever wondered how your partnerships with a CPG company can lead to a commercial and/or advertorial? There are many ways to build a partnership and there are some key ways to leverage those initial partnerships into more longterm, endorsement-type deals.

This session will help you focus on:

  • How to begin the conversation around expanding a collaboration beyond a one off deal
  • How to understand the Brand’s objectives, how those align with yours, and how to leverage the synergies
  • Where to push back and where to find the middle ground for both “brands”

Ideal For: Those who have been producing branded content, found success, and are looking to expand upon that success and leverage brand partnerships beyond one off projects.

Friday, January 31, 3:00pm - 4:00pm | Room: 406 AB

Professional Motion Graphics (& VFX) for $50 Impossible? Meet Apple Motion

Motion is Final Cut Pro’s secret weapon! Come find out why.

Speaker: Mark Spencer

In this fast-paced 1-hour session you’ll learn how powerful Motion is and how easy it is to enhance your videos by:

• Publishing customizable titles, transitions, and effects to use in Final Cut Pro X
• Producing animated titles, show opens, and on-screen graphics
• Creating visual effects like screen replacements, keying, and tracking
• Using emitters to add smoke, rain, snow, or fire to a scene
• Animating flowing lines with paint strokes
• Developing pulsating patterns with replicators
Animating text, graphics and cameras in 3D space

No previous knowledge of motion graphics or visual effects required.

Ideal For: Youtubers

Friday, January 31, 4:15pm - 5:15pm | Room: 406 AB

Wide, Square, & Tall: How to quickly format your videos for any platform

Speaker: Mark Spencer

You need to produce the same video in multiple aspect ratios for social media platforms. How do you do it efficiently while keeping the key action, titles and graphics in the frame?

The combination of Motion and Final Cut Pro X makes it easy. Come learn how to:

  • “Protect” your frame when shooting for multiple aspect-ratio delivery
  • Use Motion to quickly add titles, transitions, and graphics
  • Use “snapshots” in Motion have your graphics automatically resize to any aspect ratio in Final Cut Pro X
  • Quickly reframe video in Final Cut Pro X, including animated smooth pans and zooms

Ideal For: Youtubers and those trying to distribute their videos on multiple social media platforms.

Friday, January 31, 10:00am - 11:00am • Room: 406 AB

From Mobile to Desktop: Unlocking the power of iMovie for fast turn-around editing

Speaker: Steve Martin

As a Vlogger, you don’t need your Mac desktop or laptop to begin the editing process. With iOS iMovie on your iPhone or iPad, you can quickly assemble rough cuts on the road, then later transfer your work-in-progress to your Mac for finishing using the more robust editing tool set of MacOS iMovie.

This session will focus on:

• Importing Footage from Popular Cameras
• Organizing & Choosing Shots
• Editing Faster with Essential Shortcuts

Ideal For: Vloggers shooting with a variety of cameras who want to begin the editing process without having to tote a laptop around.

Friday, January 31, 11:15am - 12:15am • Room: 406 AB

Editing with the “Pro”: Tips & Tricks for the Self-Taught Editors on FCP X

Speaker: Steve Martin

So you’ve been editing in Final Cut Pro X, but at the back of your head there’s a little voice that’s whispering: “there’s probably a better or faster way to do this!” If that’s you, this Final Cut Pro X workshop will teach how to edit more efficiently, confidently, and ultimately more creatively.  At the end of this workshop, you’ll have a new voice in your head that exclaims: “I wish I knew this on my last video!”

This session will focus on:

• Working Faster with Essential Shortcuts
• Controlling Timing with Gap Clips
• Unlocking the Power of Storylines
• Improving Voice & Dialogue

Ideal For: Anyone who is currently editing in Final Cut Pro X who wants to take their editing skills to the next level.

Friday, February 1, 2:45pm – 3:15pm • Room: 408 B

Audience Development 201: Stop Chasing The Algorithm: How To Build Better Long Term Audience Growth Strategies

Learn how to build foundational strategies to help grow audiences and cultivate communities on YouTube by understanding WHY the algorithm does what it does.

Asking ‘Why?’ is the single most powerful thing you can do when building your strategies online. Understanding what motivates the actions of the platforms and their algorithms reveals all the insight you will need to establish your core strategies. In this session we will talk about the “Why”s of YouTube and how that knowledge will help you build smarter strategies on the platform.

In this session we will learn:

  • Why the algorithm doesn’t care about you or or channel, and why that is a good thing.
  • Why Community Management Strategies and Tools are as important, if not more so, than simply making good content.
  • Why video length really matters, and what the real ideal length for any video should be.
  • Why video packaging matters more in the first 48 hours, and how to maximize its impact.
  • And much more…

Don’t keep chasing after ways to defeat the algorithm, it is not your enemy. Understand how the river flows so you can ride it to your ultimate destination!

Ideal For: Independent Creators, Publishers, or any other Content Distribution Entity who wants to utilize YouTube to grow audience and viewership. Especially those who have struggled with following best practices in the past and is frustrated as to why they might not have worked.

Friday, January 31, 4:15pm - 5:15pm | Room: Theatre 411

Posting Live: The Do's and Don'ts

Speaker: Jon Brence & Samantha Brown, Twitch

Have you ever wanted to do a live broadcast, but never knew where to start?
Do you want to showcase your gameplay, beauty tutorials, and vlog formats on a new stage?
Do you want to diversify your audience reach with a new style of show?

Two industry experts will lead you through how to create the best quality live show up and running that’s perfect for you and your audience.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What elements make the best live broadcasts
  • How to develop and structure your own live show
  • Recommended hardware and software for going live
  • How to utilize Twitch as part of your creation workflow
Friday, January 31, 10:00am - 11:00am | Room: Theatre 411

Hub & Spoke: How To Create an Effective Content Distribution Strategy

Making the most out of your content across all social platforms!

Speaker: Jon Brence, Twitch

You may hear people say that you need to create on every single social media platform, but should you?

How do you choose which platforms are right for you?

What content is best to post on each platform?

Join us in this session for a conversation around:

  • How to develop and showcase your content purpose
  • How to develop a sustainable posting schedule
  • Determine which platforms may be best suited for your content types
Friday, January 31, 10:00am - 11:00am | Room: 404 AB

Camera 101: Does Size Matter? From Choosing the Right Camera to Getting the Shot Right

How to create quality videos regardless of the camera you have.

Speaker: Nicki Sun | @nickisun | @technickispeaking

Bigger is not always better. With new camera gear constantly coming out at NAB Show, Cine Gear Expo, CES, etc, it can be a bit daunting to feel like what you currently have is not adequate enough. But can you create quality content with the gear you currently have? The answer is “Yes!”

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Questions to ask yourself before starting a video project
  • Video do’s and dont’s
  • Do I need to have a specific brand of camera to get clients?
  • How to build a basic camera rig to get the shot you want

If you’re needing some tips and confidence in working with the camera(s) & gear you already have, then this session is for you!

Ideal For: Those who have a camera but need more tips in how to use it in different situations.

Friday, January 31, 1:45pm - 2:45pm | Room: 404 AB

Audio 101: The Importance of Audio in Getting Your Voice to Stand Out!

A beginner’s guide in how to navigate & capture sound easily and on a budget.

Speaker: Nicki Sun | @nickisun | @technickispeaking

Ever stop watching a beautifully shot video because of displeasing sounds like wind interference, audio pops, echoes, or simply because the audio levels are forcing you to manually adjust the volume on your speakers? Fortunately, there are easy and cost-effective fixes for that!

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The differences between shotgun, lav, and handheld mics
  • Audio do’s and dont’s
  • Best audio setups for a variety of different projects (ie: vlogging, documentary, interviews, live events)

If you’re looking for tips and cost-effective ways on how to up your audio game and “go pro” with plenty of hands-on audio gear, then this session is a must!

Ideal For: Those who need a little guidance on how to get started in navigating sound across a variety of different situations.

Friday, January 31, 10:00am - 11:00am | Room: 409 AB

Business 101: Stock music, footage and more: Where to get the best free and pay content to stay legal.

How do you get usable third-party content without increasing your legal risk?

Speaker: Seth Polansky

In this session, attorney Seth Polansky will explain why licensing and intellectual
property matter, how you can ensure you’re not violating someone else’s IP rights, and the best way to find usable content without putting yourself at risk.
You’ll learn:

    • Why any of this matters – and what exactly is your risk
    • The key principles of intellectual property
    • What kinds of license(s) do you need
    • A detailed explanation of why “free” is often problematic
    • Guidance for recognizing usable online resources (including example sites)
    • We will leave ample time for Q&A

If you include anything in your content that you did not create yourself, you must
understand why that’s risky – and learn some basic steps you can take to reduce that

Ideal For: Anyone who incorporates third party content into their own.

Friday, January 31, 1:45pm - 2:45pm | Room: 409 AB

Legalese 101: Contracts, LLCs and Insurance, What Paperwork you have to have to be a professional.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Speaker: Seth Polansky

This session is intended to help creatives avoid common pitfalls that are easily avoided by understanding the basic business and legal concepts used throughout the industry.

I this session, we’ll cover:

      • Why you should form a business entity (LLC, INC, etc…)
      • Why you should have a written agreement with your partners
      • Common contract types used in the industry, and key terms to look out for
      • Why you should carry business insurance
      • This seminar will leave ample time for Q&A

While most of us would prefer devoting our time to creative matters, the fact remains
that this is the entertainment “industry”. And just a bit of business and legal preparation will go a long way in preventing ruinously expensive problems in the future.

Ideal For: Anyone who expects to make this a profession as opposed to a hobby.

Saturday, February 1, 10:00am - 10:30am | Room: 408 B

Understanding Contracts 101: Dealing with Copyright

“I signed WHAT?”

Speaker: Seth Polansky

In this session, attorney Seth Polansky will walk you through the anatomy of a contract and highlight key contractual terms and conditions that you need to understand.

This session will cover:

      • Key licensing terms and conditions
      • Key nondisclosure terms and conditions
      • What to include in your quotes and estimates (that often become your contracts)
      • We’ll leave as much time as possible for Q&A

Ideal For: Anyone who is currently (or will in the near future be) negotiating a contract. Or for anyone who wants to have a better understanding of how contracts work.

Saturday, February 1, 11:30am - 12:00pm • Room: 408 B

Fair Use 101 – What is Fair Use?

“But I have a “right” to fair use!”

Speaker: Seth Polansky

In this session, attorney Seth Polansky will explain what fair use is, what it isn’t, and why it is often dangerously misunderstood.

This session will cover:

      • Intellectual property basics
      • Copyright and trademark
      • Explanation of fair use
      • Risks involved in relying on a fair use exception

Ideal For: Creatives who regularly incorporate unlicensed, third-party content into their own content. Or anyone who wants a better understanding of the interaction among copyright, trademark, and freedom of expression.

Saturday, February 1, 10:00am - 10:30pm • Room: 408 A

Creating Animated Photos Using mPuppet Plugin

Have you ever wanted to add movement to still photos?

Speaker: Stanislaw Luberda

With mPuppet, you’re the puppet master and you decide what strings to pull to introduce some action to your edits! This session will introduce you to the mPuppet plugin and how to bring life to a still photo using intuitive tools and controls in Final Cut Pro. Then you will learn how to take it one step further with Apple Motion to composite additional elements, and use 3D layers to create an engaging animation.

In this session you’ll learn how to:

  • Use mPuppet in Final Cut Pro.
  • Make handles and create a mesh for a still photo.
  • Use keyframes to animate in Final Cut Pro.
  • Composite and animate additional elements in Apple Motion.
  • Use a camera and 3D Layers with mPuppet animations in Apple Motion.

One of the most requested tools for animators using Final Cut Pro and Apple Motion, with an easy to follow lesson plan will have you animating in no time.

Ideal For: This session is ideal for creators looking to animate 2D characters, still photos, and explore 3D layers and cameras in Apple Motion.

Saturday, February 1, 10:45am - 11:15am • Room: 408 A

Speeding up your YouTube video creation process with drag&drop plugins

Are you a content creator looking to enhance your projects, or create more engagement with your audience?

Speaker: Stanislaw Luberda

In this session you’ll learn how using drag&drop plugins can speed up your workflow using customizable templates. Learn how to use different templates ranging from intros to end screens, titles, transitions, and social media stories. Discover how to personalize them and give your projects a professional, polished look.

In this session you’ll learn how to:

  • Use and modify title templates in mTuber.
  • Use Drop Zones to highlight your next episode.
  • Build your subscriber base by using call to actions.
  • Customize intro templates and incorporate your own logo.
  • Customize stylish and dynamic transitions.
  • Build a social media story in horizontal or vertical formats.

It’s never been a more exciting time to be a content creator, and using professional motion graphics is an excellent way to get people to notice you and your channel.

Ideal For: If you’re a content creator looking for great intros and titles, or building social media stories for your brand, this session is not to be missed.

Saturday, February 1, 2:00pm - 2:45pm • Room: Theater 411

Green Screen Lighting on a Budget (ft. Justine)

Speaker: Alex Lindsay

While greenscreen has been used visual effects for decades, few people understand how it works and how to get the most out of it. Alex will join iJustine to discuss the science of greenscreen and how to use that science to make better videos. Learn how to get great greenscreen shots without breaking the bank and, also, how the pros approach it too.

Saturday, February 1, 2:45pm - 3:30pm • Room: 408 A

TikTok Production: In Insight into Producing Top-Notch Videos

Speaker: Alex Lindsay

TIkTok is the new “Cool Kid” in social media but how do you get started? It’s a completely different culture and production process than anything that we’ve seen before. Learn how TikTok works, what kind of content is successful and how you can build successful videos for this new platform.

Saturday, February 1, 3:45pm – 4:45pm • Room: 408 A

A Conversation with Tok Tok Content Creators

Speaker: Alex Lindsay

Join Alex Lindsay as he discusses the creative process with some of today’s top TikTok creators. How do they come up with their ideas? How do they plan and shoot their material? Where do they see TikTok going in the future? Get you questions answered but the true experts in the field.

Friday, January 31, 1:45pm – 2:45pm • Room: Theatre 411

Podcasting 101: Creating & Editing a podcast with Just a Mic and a Computer

Podcasting has become one of the most cost-effective ways to extend your reach. In this course, you’ll learn how to create an audio podcast to match any budget, using proven techniques that get listeners and results. You’ll learn how to set up a small studio; record audio, and even interviews; edit your podcast; and create a podcast feed (aka an RSS feed). This class is taught by Rich Harrington, who’s produced, hosted, or consulted on several podcasts that have been routinely featured as the best of iTunes.

Topics include:

  • Setting up a studio
  • Setting up an RSS feed
  • Recording interviews and screencasts
  • Editing podcasts with audio editing software
  • Optimizing audio and video for podcast delivery
  • Hosting podcast files
  • Branding and promoting your podcast feed
Friday, January 31, 4:15pm – 5:15pm • Room: 409 AB

High Quality, Low Budget: How to not go broke while making great content

(Planning, Scripting, and Budgeting)

Speaker: Richard Harrington

Creating a quality production has much more to do with planning than spending money.  In this class you’ll learn effective strategies that work to improve the quaity of any project.  Learn essential project managagement skills to improve your planning abilities.  Discover how to write a treatment or outline as well as when to use a script.  Plus tie it all together with these budget trimming ideas.

Topics include:

  • Understanding practical project management
  • Capture ideas as outlines and treatments
  • Create a storyboard or shot list
  • Save money without sacrificing quality
  • Improve efficiency and speed up productions
Friday, January 1, 3:00pm - 4:00pm • Room: Theatre 411

Maximize Stories in Minimal Time: How to edit and plan for content that is 60 seconds or less

The best way to get ahead of your content while creating a strong storyline and makinga big impact is by planning ahead.

Speaker: Alexis Hay

Learn the tools, the strategies and the tricks to planning out your content calendar and production in advance: everything you need to maximize your time in creating your long form content as well as all of the promotional content under 60 seconds that is needed to drive your metrics and help you reach your maximum potential.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Strategies at developing a long-lead storyline and cohesive theme for your brand
  • How to plan out your content calendar working backward from your goals
  • How to segment your content and plan to produce the :15, :30, :60 promos and photos to market your content across all platforms

Ideal For: Anyone looking to maximize their time in planning for the creative content process, from one track personal content to juggling multiple tracks of original content, brand promotions, partnered content and more!

Friday, January 31, 2:00pm - 2:30pm | Room: 408 B

Travel Vlogging 101: Editing your travel photos and videos for posting when you are back from your travels and edit hours and hours of footage into a 15 min travel video

After 6+ years of travel vlogging full time, Louis and Raya are finally revealing the secrets to creating the best content possible.

Speaker: Louis Cole and Raya Encheva

Meaningful and memorable travel content goes so much deeper than seamless transitions and drone shots of turquoise water. In this session, Louis and Raya will share the biggest lessons they’ve learned from 6+ years and over 2,000 travel vlogs. You won’t want to miss this!

A few things they’ll cover:

  • How to make travel content that stands out, how to tell the story and point of view only you can tell.
  • How to stay excited about creating no matter how long you’ve been doing it for
  • Louis and Raya’s biggest mistakes and lessons learned
  • Practical advice about the best gear and filming and editing techniques to level up your travel vlogs

Ideal For: Those who dream of traveling the world, exploring beautiful places and creating meaningful content along the way.

Friday, January 31, 3:00pm - 4:00pm | Room: 404 AB

Production to Publishing in 7 Days

Speaker: Bayan Joonam

They say the Lord created the world in six days — and rested on the seventh. Starting a channel can be a very similar process if you do it right. In this one hour lecture, Bayan demonstrates a blueprint for taking an idea from production to publishing. This tested strategy will reveal exclusive details behind Bayan’s most popular shows like Kid President and Tell My Story which currently have over 100M views online.

Leveraging the latest technology, Bayan will introduce a custom set of tools and strategies for the digital creator to save days of time through innovative digital workflows that have never been shared before. In this presentation, you will learn:

  • A seven day workflow to take your idea from paper to published
  • Building a scalable format
  • Multi-episode production strategies
  • Watching video examples made in this model, and why they were successful
  • Editing process and timeline to deliver consistently for your audience

Ideal For: This session is perfect for creators who have started producing content, but want to scale up their channel. This episode provides the blueprint for how to identify the right creative, scale up their channel and release more content to build your following and clients.

Saturday, February 1, 3:30pm - 4:00pm | Room: 408 B

Finding your Secret Sauce

Speaker: Bayan Joonam

The first question creators often ask themselves when starting a new channel is what should I make? How do I build a brand and channel that doesn’t get lost in all the noise. This can be a really difficult question as there can be so many interests that you want to explore and you don’t know where to start! In this half-hour lecture, Bayan will outline key questions you should ask yourself when considering what king content you will create. By unpacking his own successes and failures, this course is designed to give video creators insight into finding their secret sauce. This session is perfect for creators that are trying to craft their brand identity through video. Bayan will use real examples and strategies used to brand which has over 3 million subscribers on YouTube, including subjects like:

  • Identifying and crafting a channel mission and strategy
  • Comparing a successful and unsuccessful channel launch
  • Examples and analysis of shows Bayan produced which went from zero to 1M+ views
  • Strategies for sustainable channel growth
  • How to identify and incorporate online trends and tentpole events
  • Programming Strategy and Frequency
  • Working with the algorithm to organically promote your content

This session packs a decade of successes and hard learned lessons into 10 easy takeaways for you to consider when starting a new channel.